About Ryan A. Bunch
President & Founder
I am a writer, administrator, and place-keeper/maker who is deeply passionate about creative communities, public engagement, events, urban design, and sustainable, human-centered planning and implementation.
As a poet, storyteller, and community advocate with a background in health and human services and public policy, I thrive in working alongside residents, artists, and experts to collaborate and form partnerships that innovate creative solutions to social and civic challenges.
Email me.
President & Founder → Midcoast | OHMI Midcoast Industrial Workshop, Toledo, OH, 2022–Present
Studio Director → Toledo Design Collective, Toledo, OH, 2024–Present (organizational leadership, fundraising, program & project development)
Sr. Director, Outreach & Advocacy → United Way of Greater Toledo, Toledo, OH, 2022–2023 (marketing, communications, public policy)
Director of Community Initiatives → The Arts Commission, Toledo, OH, 2010–2022 (creative placemaking, programs, marketing)
Music Editor → Toledo.com, Toledo, OH, 2009–2016 (writer, editor, interviewer, website user experience)
Arts & Entertainment Editor → Toledo City Paper & Ann Arbor Current (Adams Street Publishing), Toledo, OH, 2005–2008 (writer, editor, interviewer, public programs)
Administrative Support → Robbins Center for Cross-Cultural Communication (Warren Robbins, Founding Director Emeritus, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art), Washington DC, 2004
Fido Buckminster Maxximilian III, Chief Inspiration Officer / Global Officer, Operational Development - Business Operation Yields (G.O.O.D-B.O.Y)
Community Involvement
Public Policy Committee (2022-Present) - Connect residents to education about public policy and community development, prioritize organizational policy support. Visit RT
Committee Member (2020-Present) - Support Toledo and Lucas County’s Immigrant and Refugee communities through the first city-county Certified Welcoming partnership in America. Visit Welcome TLC
Trustee, Outreach Committee (2019-2023) - Educate, engage, and connect the public to urban planning and design initiatives while advocating for more equitable and inclusive practices.
Visit TDC -
Play Committee (2021-2022) - Informed future City of Toledo land use plan (featuring Toledo Culture Trail framework I designed to connect organic creative corridors). Toledo Visit Forward Toledo
Mayoral Appointee, Community & Neighborhoods Committee (2019-2022) - Supported and advocated for increased resident voice in city services. Visit HRC
Trustee (2018-2019) - Chaired Centennial Committee for 100 year celebration for Toledo’s oldest African American Community Center. Visit FDCA
Inaugural Trustee, (2014-2015) - Established resident- and local business-driven neighborhood nonprofit with a self-sustaining events model to inform commercial corridor improvement. Visit VOA
Vice President, Strategic Planning Co-Chair (2012-2018) - Led strategic planning, resident advocacy, and planning initiatives for historically-significant downtown neighborhood. Read about Ryan Bunch, 419 Day Founder
Programs Committee (2012-2017) - Led public programming for salvaging and revitalizing one of Toledo’s last remaining historically significant neighborhood theaters. Read about Spoken Toledo Storytelling at Ohio Theatre
Co-Founder, Host (2012-2016) - Established Toledo’s first and longest-running microenterprise program where the public is invited to learn about and support community projects. Visit Toledo SOUP
“What I want for myself, I want for everyone.”
— Samuel “Golden Rule” Jones
News & Recognition
Toledo’s New Comprehensive Land-Use Plan is Nearly Complete, Toledo Blade
Vistula residents asked for Riverwalk Input, Toledo Blade
Rising Stars: Meet Ryan Bunch, Voyage Ohio Magazine
United Way Food Summit to address solutions to food insecurity, Toledo Blade
Ode to the Zip Code, NBC24
Federal Aid Linked to Drop in Toledo Poverty, Toledo Blade
Alluvium Poetry-Photography Exhibition, Toledo Blade
20 Under 40, Leadership Toledo
Uplift Uptown Safety & Beautification Grants (SDOH), Ohio News Time
Reclaiming Spaces Documentary, Corbin Productions
Sidewalk Poetry, Toledo Blade
Artomatic 419!, Toledo City Paper
Inaugural 419 Day, Toledo.com
Panels & Presentations
Americans for the Arts - National Conference, Artists at the Community Development Table, Executive Leadership Summit
Activate / Innovate - Moderator
Advocates for Ohio’s Future - Panelist
Arts Cleveland - Creative Workforce Fellowship Grants Panel
Bowling Green State University - Winter Wheat Writing Festival Workshop Lead
Heritage Ohio - Panelist
Knight Foundation - Panelist
Leadership Ohio - Moderator, Panelist
Lucas County MacArthur Safety Justice Challenge - Reviewer
Ohio Arts Council - ArtSTART Grants Panelist
Ohio Community Development Corporation Association - Annual Conference Committee & Panelist
Reinvest Toledo - Violence & Food Insecurity, Civic Engagement presenter
TEDxToledo - Featured Presenter
University of Toledo - Alumni Guest Panelist, Shapiro Honors Awards Keynote, Youth Summit Panel
You're Never Far From Toledo, Museum of Americana
Historical Blunders: A Plea for Preservation, Toledo.com
Henry & June Reunion, Toledo.com
Featured Readings, Literary Work & Art Exhibitions
ALLUVIUM - Poetry-Photography Visual Arts Exhibition
Human Poetry Machine - Co-creator, Interactive multimedia poetry-photography art experience
Lucas County Poet Laureate Program, Committee Facilitator
Ode to the Zip Code Poetry Contest, Co-Organizer, Committee
OHMI Poets & Writers Assembly Line, Featured Readers Series, Organizer
Spoken Storytelling Series, Co-founder, Host
Toledo Museum of Art - Guest Literary Event Curator, Story Lore: The Art of Narrative Poetry
Toledo Poetry Sidewalks Public Art Program, Co-Creator
Toledo School for the Artists - Featured Guest Artist
Zanesville Art Museum - 77th Ohio Annual Exhibition Juried Selection
Awards & Certificates
20 Under 40 Leadership Award, Toledo
Results-Based Accountability (in progress)
Safegrowth (CPTED 2)
Bridges Out of Poverty
Dale Carnegie